Showing posts with topic "jekyll"

Jekyll is a website generator that creates static pages. It was written in Ruby by GitHub co-founder Tom Preston-Werner and released under the MIT license. Jekyll generates a complete, static website from Markdown or Textile and Liquid templates, ready to be served by Apache HTTP Server, Nginx, or another web server. Because Jekyll is a static site generator, it does not leverage databases to dynamically produce pages. Jekyll enables loading content from YAML, JSON, CSV, and TSV files instead of databases. The Liquid templating system may access content within data files (YAML, JSON, CSV, and TSV files). GitHub Pages, a GitHub tool that allows users to host websites based on their GitHub repositories for no additional cost, is powered by Jekyll.

Jekyll is compatible with a variety of front-end frameworks, including Bootstrap, Semantic UI, and others.

Jekyll sites can be linked to cloud-based CMS software like Vercel and Netlify, allowing content editors to make changes to the site without knowing how to code.

Starting a new blog

This month I’m thinking to start a blog to archive and share some notes that had been stored for a while on my Google Keep account. This blog is built...